
Penis: Types of penis

Penis : It is part of the male reproductive system , along with the testicles ,  which are responsible for human reproduction.  It is very important to perform self-examination to prevent and diagnose   testicular cancer .

There are a wide variety of penis types , which vary greatly, whether thick, large, thin, small, medium, curved, among others. Each one can have advantages and disadvantages. Here you will find the different types :

Dressed or naked 

Naked or Circumcised

It is very common for boys to have the skin covering their penis removed at birth. This is due to the lack of skin covering the member. Experts say that boys can be more sensitive than boys who are not circumcised.

types of penis

Monk dress or Not circumcised

It is when the skin covering the penis is not removed. When there are erections, the head is instantly uncovered so it can be handled better by raising and lowering the skin. That is, when  masturbating .

For some women it is usually ugly and not so clean

types of penis

The penis that surprises you 

This is very common, it happens when your partner’s member seems small when it is not erect, when the erection arrives its size grows considerably, to obtain the surprise you should stimulate it in the erotic foreplay .

types of penis

 Does size matter?

Small corner or Large

A small penis can be difficult to determine, some people would think that a penis less than 6 cm is “too small”, although there are some that grow during erection and others that maintain their size.

In our country, a large penis is considered to be over 15 cm. In our territories, there are few who can say that they are larger than 18 cm. The important thing, according to many women, “is to know how to use it.” This size cannot be considered a guarantee.

There is no penis that is better than another, it all depends on your partner and how you talk about your sexuality, remember that good communication and foreplay can greatly improve your sex life . Remember that it is important to protect yourself to avoid STIs. 

Use a condom to avoid sexually transmitted diseases  or unwanted pregnancies

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