What does semen taste like?
What does semen taste like? In a relationship when there is intimacy, it is very common to practice oral sex since it is a satisfactory form of sexual contact to start sexual relations. There are those who like to end a sexual relationship with oral sex and men get their revenge while practicing it. There are women who enjoy the taste and others who are not very satisfied with the taste or consistency.
The consistency of semen is slimy. If the consistency is what you don’t love about this practice, over time you can learn to position yourself in a way that it almost reaches your throat so you don’t feel it on your tongue.
Here are some recommendations to avoid or eat more for better flavor:
Foods that provide a sweet and light flavor:
- Natural fruit juices
- Celery and lettuce
- Sweet fruits like strawberries, mangoes, apples, cherries, melon
- Water
Foods that can cause bitter and unpleasant tastes:
- Coffee
- Beef and pork
- Cigar
- Saturated fats, fried, battered or breaded foods
- Soft drinks and canned beverages
Improve oral sex and the taste of your semen
- Don’t put large or round sweets in your mouth that could block your throat if you swallow them.
- You can also use paddles sold in sex shops. There are some that provide heat, a cold effect or increased humidity. The flavors are pleasant and do not affect the material of the condom or latex sheet.
- Always remember to protect yourself. In recent years, there have been studies that have confirmed the growth of patients with HPV in the throat and other STIs such as herpes . Because oral sex is poorly protected, it is essential to use a condom or latex sheets that provide protection.
So now you know how to behave well and eat better, your partner will thank you for it, avoid STIs and learn more about the prevention and treatment of Sexually Transmitted Diseases.

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