Signs of psychological violence
Psychological violence in couples is a form of psychological abuse , this happens in the middle of a relationship, the forms of aggression become increasingly greater and more violent.
This type of violence can occur in a passive or active form, and generally denigrates and belittles the person (man or woman) who is attacked.
This type of violence affects a person’s self-esteem and self-concept, which can impact their physical, emotional and social development.
What about gender violence?
Gender violence is more common in the case of women, but it is very true that violence from women to men exists, however it is less common for this type of violence to be reported.
- There is evidence that a person who has suffered violence in the family is more likely to repeat this in their new family nucleus; violence appears to be a learned behavior.
- When a person is violent, he learns to act impulsively, because he does not take time to think before acting.
- In the case of couples, there is a phase of attraction or falling in love in which the victim is not able to notice certain signs of psychological violence that, for others, will undoubtedly not go unnoticed.
- Through image manipulation, an exaggerated sense of possession, or certain signs that are convenient to make evident so that the victim does not get dragged into a bad situation and is left defenseless.
Signs of psychological violence
- Ridicules the gender or group
- Ridicules your beliefs, values, religion or interests.
- He criticizes, insults and yells constantly.
- Public and private humiliations.
- Control money, time and spaces where the person can go.
- Threat
- Punishes and mistreats
- Abuses and tortures domestic animals to cause panic.
- Handling
- Threat with weapons
- To withdraw and disassociate oneself from one’s responsibilities.
Ending violence in your relationship and being able to set clear limits before signs of violence are seen is a very important point to ensure your safety in a relationship.
It is not easy to talk about violence when you are caught in it, but it is possible to live a life free of violence, with gender equality.
The law on women’s rights to a life free of violence establishes that there are more than 17 types of gender violence, including psychological violence, which disrupts healthy development and can lead to depression or even suicide.
You are not alone, violence is a crime punishable by imprisonment, report it before it is too late.
It is possible to live a life free of violence, respecting your human rights , sexual rights , having a healthy life full of well-being.

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