Safe Sex
Safe Sex refers to the practice that allows you to have safer sex in order to protect yourself and your sexual partner from sexually transmitted infections.
Having an active sexual life without the risk of an unexpected pregnancy or contracting an STI. This practice is carried out by responsible people who know how to take care of themselves and protect their partner.
Safer sex is practised by using a condom , but this is not synonymous with security, since this – according to WHO – has a 15% failure rate in preventing pregnancy and is not 100% safe against STIs. Despite this, it is the most effective contraceptive method with respect to sexually transmitted diseases.
What is the safest way to have sex?
- Use a condom during all sexual relations.
- Using condoms during oral sex to prevent diseases such as herpes and syphilis.
- Practicing sexual games without reaching penetration is also part of safe sex.
- It is important to keep sex toys clean. Wash them thoroughly before and after each use, and if you wish, preferably use them with a latex condom . Remember that keeping them clean will give you greater safety and durability.
Some STIs can be transmitted through skin contact, such as HPV.
How can I have sex without worry?
- It is essential to use a condom in all your sexual relations.
- Having safe sex reduces the worry of contracting an STI and makes it more pleasurable.
- Get tested for STIs regularly, regardless of whether you use a condom during sex.
- Engage in non-penetrative sexual activities, such as touching or masturbating.
- If you share sex toys, clean with soap and water.
“A better future is a future with prevention”

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