Tampons are used to absorb feminine menstruation. They are made of cotton and are shaped like a cylinder and are usually very comfortable. However, there are women who hate them or simply prefer to use another method such as feminine pads and others like the menstrual cup, which can be an excellent alternative.
Why might tampons be more comfortable for some women than regular pads?
For many women, it provides protection and freedom, since despite a family trip or an activity such as sport, exercise , and especially swimming, an accident does not occur and they can continue with their daily lives.
- Avoid painful accidents
- They provide comfort and freedom
- It’s a great option to be able to get into the water without having to worry about getting dirty. The tampon doesn’t get wet inside because it fits very well in the vaginal canal.
- Being able to wear tight clothing since tampons are undetectable (nothing is visible)
- The odor that exists when you are menstruating disappears with this method since the blood does not come out to the outside and there is no contact with the air.
It must be recognized that hygienically it is an excellent option since it does not come into contact with the skin surrounding the pubic area and vagina.
Disadvantages: These are some of the consequences that using Tampax can have on the health of your vagina.
For many women, the first time they get it inserted it is very difficult and uncomfortable.
- Leaving it too long without changing can cause a condition called Shock Syndrome.
- You should change every 4 to 6 hours a day
- It is not advisable to use them at night
- They can be uncomfortable the first few times.
- If you don’t remove it properly, you may get stains.
It is very common for this syndrome to occur the first few times, although it also depends on your body. Ideally, you should change it approximately every 4 hours.
Tampons: Symptoms of this syndrome include
- High fever suddenly
- A rash like sunburn
- Diarrhea
- Dizziness, fainting or feeling like you might faint
- Vomiting
- Vaginal Infections
There may be better ways to avoid stains and prevent an accident. Tampons are convenient for swimming in the sea.
Taking into account the disadvantages, you can opt for other options such as the menstrual cup , feminine pads or you can even make your own ecological sanitary pad . Each body reacts differently so it is better to know the possible risks and advantages before using them.
Consult our gynecology specialists .

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